Estimating phase difference in time and frequency domains

Here, you can find information on how to estimate phase difference between two signals recorded from DAQ.

What you need

Watch this video first

Watch this video to learn how to obtain an estimate for phase difference in frequency domain. Note that estimating phase from FFT is not suitable for FSI applications even though it might be common in other applications.

Watch this video to learn how to obtain an estimate for phase difference in time domain or using Hilbert transform. Note that this technique is more suitable for FSI application.

Watch this video to learn how to obtain an estimate for phase difference using wavelet transform.

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Additional instructional videos:

Watch this video to learn more about signal representation in Time vs Frequency domain

Watch this video to learn more about Phase and Frequency Modulation

Watch this video to learn more about Hilbert transform

Read more

Require wavelet toolbox or MATLAB 2021b and above version